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1. Ownership of the website
This website belongs to Fontaleva Quesera SL, with NIF B41849522 and tax domicile at Carretera Circunvalación, cp 41420, Fuentes de Andalucía (Sevilla) and is managed by Anura Digital SC, with NIF J90363300 and tax domicile at Calle Arquitectura 5, Torre 8, Planta 3, Módulo 8, cp 41015, Sevilla (Sevilla). For the purposes of the provisions of the Law of Services of the Information Society, is established as contact email info (at)
This website provides a non-exhaustive description of the services of manufacture of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil that can be performed, without exhaustive. In case you are interested in having us propose a solution tailored to your needs, please contact us through the above address or through the contact form.
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